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Find the centre coordinates of quarter sections using the legal land description





Character. Vector of quarter section legal land descriptions you wish to search for


A tibble of legal land descriptions, and corresponding latitude and longitude coordinates


A legal land description consists of four values separated by a -

  1. Quarter Section (SW)

  2. Section (9)

  3. Township (8)

  4. Range (6E1)

For example: A legal land description of SW-9-8-6E1 can be interpreted as the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 8, Range 6 East of the 1st Meridian.

search_legal() takes legal land descriptions and locates the centre coordinates of the quarter sections. You can include leading zeroes (e.g., NE-01-012-12E1) or not (e.g., NE-1-12-12E1). The data set used in this package includes three meridians (W1, E1, and E2); however, most commonly searched for quarter sections use the East 1 (E1) or West 1 (W1) meridians. If the meridian number is not included it will default to 1. For example, a search for NW-36-89-11E will by default search for NW-36-89-11E1 despite NW-36-89-11E2 existing in the data set.


search_legal(x = c("NE-11-33-29W", "SW-20-2-1W"))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   legal           long   lat
#>   <chr>          <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 NE-11-33-29W1 -101.   51.8
#> 2 SW-20-2-1W1    -97.6  49.1