Search for the nearest quarter section using latitude and longitude
Find the quarter section(s) and other legal division types closest to provided coordinates. Returns the legal land description. Users must use provide coordinates in the decimal degree format.
- long
Numeric. Vector of longitudes (decimal degree) with resolution up to one hundred thousandth of a degree. Values outside of bounds will return error (-102.0 to -88.9 degrees).
- lat
Numeric. Vector of latitudes (decimal degree) with resolution up to one hundred thousandth of a degree. Values outside of bounds will return error (49.0 to 60.0 degrees).
A tibble of the centre latitude and longitude coordinates, corresponding legal land descriptions, land division type, the user provided latitude and longitude coordinates, and distance in metres from the provided coordinates to the centre of the closest quarter section.
The longitudinal extent of Manitoba ranges from approximately -102.0 to -88.9 degrees (negative values indicate western hemisphere).
The latitudinal extent of Manitoba ranges from approximately 49.0 to 60.0 degrees (positive values indicate northern hemisphere).
A legal land description consists of four values separated by a -
Quarter Section (SW)
Section (9)
Township (8)
Range (6E1)
For example: A legal land description of SW-9-8-6E1 can be interpreted as the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 8, Range 6 East of the 1st Meridian.
#' Other land division types can have different naming conventions and include:
RL = River lot (e.g., RL-11-Oak Island)
Lot = Township lot (e.g., 10-54-27W1)
OT = Outer two mile lot (e.g., OT-11A-St. Clements)
PL = Parish lot (e.g., PL-R-St. Andrews)
SL = Settlement lot (e.g., SL-2-Roman Catholic Mission Property)
WL = Wood lot (e.g., WL-179-Portage La Prairie)
search_coord(long = c(-101.4656, -99.99768), lat = c(51.81913, 49.928926))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 7
#> legal type long lat long_user lat_user dist
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> [m]
#> 1 NE-11-33-29W1 Quarter -101. 51.8 -101. 51.8 29.9
#> 2 NW-15-11-19W1 Quarter -100. 49.9 -100. 49.9 211.
x <- data.frame(long = c(-101.4656, -99.9976), lat = c(51.81913, 49.92892))
search_coord(long = x$long, lat = x$lat)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 7
#> legal type long lat long_user lat_user dist
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> [m]
#> 1 NE-11-33-29W1 Quarter -101. 51.8 -101. 51.8 29.9
#> 2 NW-15-11-19W1 Quarter -100. 49.9 -100. 49.9 211.